Messaging guidance 

Got 90 seconds? Choose any of the following videos—including our now-famous “musical chairs” video—to learn a little more about how zoning and regulations connect to affordability and how housing solutions connect to climate, environmental justice, and more! 

HOUSING SOLUTIONS ARE CLIMATE SOLUTIONS: What do housing affordability policies have to do with climate change and environmental justice in Washington state?

INVISIBLE WALLS SHUTTING YOU OUT? A 90-second explainer video from Sightline Institute on the problem of exclusionary zoning and the upzoning affordability solution.

Dos and don’ts of talking about housing solutions 

ZONING FOR ALL KINDS OF AFFORDABLE HOMES: Allowing more homes like duplexes and apartments makes it easier for Washingtonians of all incomes find homes they can afford, both subsidized and market-rate homes.

CRUEL MUSICAL CHAIRS (or Why is rent so high?) How does a growing, prospering city stay affordable for all kinds of people? At the most basic level, when there aren’t enough homes, prices will keep rising. When there are plenty of homes, it helps prices stay down.

Research articles 

Legalizing more homes 

  • To Fix Inclusionary Zoning, Fund It: Why conventional, unfunded IZ programs fail—both as policies for getting more of the homes we need and politically for uniting the coalitions to pass them—and how funded IZ can fix that to build an abundance of income-restricted, affordable homes and market-rate, working-family and middle-income homes across Washington state. 

  • Homelessness Is a Housing Problem: Why do some US cities struggle more with homelessness? A Q+A with the authors of a book exploring a key component of the issue—housing supply. 

Rolling back excessive parking mandates 

The hidden costs of blanket pavement mandates: How mandates for overparking our communities constrain homes and businesses 

Seeking solutions: What nixing parking mandates can unlock for communities 

  • Map: Parking Mandates Map, by the Parking Reform Network | 3,000+ cities across the globe have taken steps towards reducing parking mandates or eliminating them entirely