Back to All Events HB 1299: Parking minimum requirements Tuesday, February 4, 2025 10:30 AM 11:30 AM Google Calendar ICS HB 1299: Parking reform unlocks more homes and great neighborhoods, while cutting red tape and excess asphalt, sprawl, and pollution.Read more about it here.I would like to testify in person during the hearingI would like to testify remotelyI would like my position noted for the legislative recordI would like to submit written testimony
HB 1299: Parking minimum requirements Tuesday, February 4, 2025 10:30 AM 11:30 AM Google Calendar ICS HB 1299: Parking reform unlocks more homes and great neighborhoods, while cutting red tape and excess asphalt, sprawl, and pollution.Read more about it here.I would like to testify in person during the hearingI would like to testify remotelyI would like my position noted for the legislative recordI would like to submit written testimony