Back to All Events SB 5184 Parking mandates Friday, January 24, 2025 10:30 AM 11:30 AM Google Calendar ICS SB 5184: The bill would cap how many parking spots local governments can require for new homes and commercial buildings, and give full parking flexibility to a set of building types that need it the most.Read more about it here.I would like to testify in person during the hearingI would like to testify remotelyI would like my position noted for the legislative recordI would like to submit written testimony
SB 5184 Parking mandates Friday, January 24, 2025 10:30 AM 11:30 AM Google Calendar ICS SB 5184: The bill would cap how many parking spots local governments can require for new homes and commercial buildings, and give full parking flexibility to a set of building types that need it the most.Read more about it here.I would like to testify in person during the hearingI would like to testify remotelyI would like my position noted for the legislative recordI would like to submit written testimony