Homes4WA is a growing network of advocates and neighbors from across Washington state. We represent a wide range of communities, sectors, and issue areas. We are joining forces to advance state-level solutions to increase housing stability for all Washingtonians, increase state investments in affordable homes, and support abundant home choices in our cities, near jobs, services, and transit.
Homes4WA campaign partners are working together to advance state-level policy solutions in three mutually reinforcing areas:
STABILITY: More protections. Providing more assistance and stronger safeguards to keep people in their homes, protect renters from discrimination and eviction, support the unhoused, and protect Washington’s housing-insecure residents from homelessness.
SUPPLY: More choices. Lift restrictions and ease cost and delays so Washington cities can add more homes of all shapes and sizes. This will help everyone to access affordable and abundant housing, especially in urban areas near jobs, services, and transit.
SUBSIDY: More funding. Increase our state’s investments in building affordable housing, opening doors to homeownership and generational wealth-building, and protecting historically marginalized communities. We hope to ensure that all Washingtonians have the opportunity to thrive in safe, healthy, affordable homes.
Sightline Institute is the home-base organization for this campaign. We are working with a host of other state and local advocates and organizations to support abundant, affordable home choices for Washington communities.
Contact us to learn more, get involved, and add your organization or group’s name to our growing advocate network!